All formations perform contemporary music written by Lars Lindvall. It can be heard in nature, churches, theatres, concert halls, dance events, art galleries, jazz clubs and more. Contact us for information about events and concerts.
Lars Lindvall tentet 1-10 | project wood
The many possibilities to orchestrate a melody and/or to create moods with 10 musicians is what fascinates and inspires Lars Lindvall to write for and to feature this band. The repertoire is based on the whole of jazz history and yet reflects contemporary jazz music.
The featured instruments are:
• trumpet • alto sax • trombone • soprano sax •oboe • clarinet • bass clarinet • piano/synthesizer •bass • percussion • guitar • fluegelhorn
Lars Lindvall quartet/trio | small melodies
The focus of this formation is the contrast between space and groove. Small melodies express the innocence and simplicity found in folk tunes and themes. These contrast with groovy pieces often based on familiar jazz chord progressions.
Lars Lindvall duo/solo | relating
In his duo or solo setting Lars Lindvall features the topic of relating. Relating to himself, the audience and the surroundings. The performed musical material is based on moods and musical landscapes which developed out of the moment rather then out of a fixed arrangement.