Start to Improvise – how to reach improvisational freedom
by Lars Lindvall
A practical guidebook with audio used in schools and colleges in USA, Switzerland, Germany and Austria.
This booklet encourages the development of your musical language. The content covers how to find musical ideas (interval, scale motifs, riffs) and how to use them in all tonalities.
This publication provides a solid guidance for musicians of all levels, from beginner to experienced player.
It's a book to grow with and can be used for all instruments. Order now!
Lars Lindvall is offering workshops for professional musicians as well as for people who wish to start experiencing music as a quality in life.
Movable Melodies
focusses on awareness in the body while creating musical moods. Using the body as an instrument. Tuning in and expressing different energies. To this we add the expression of our voice and/or an instrument. No written music is used.
Band = Expand
uses his original written music. Covering trio/quartet, quintet, sextet, tentet and big-band settings. A wide variety of styles are covered. The level ranges from medium to advanced
Composer and Writer
Besides his workshops Lars Lindvall is offering his skills as a performer, composer and arranger. Any instrumental combination or project challenges him to write for and/or to take part in.
He performs, composes/arranges music for any kind of events – any odd combination of instruments are possible. He can be a part of a creative project of yours. Get in touch!
The event "today" was commissioned and composed for a festival in Östergötland, Sweden.
Originally performed in Sweden this event included live music by a classical brass quintet and a jazz/rock rhythm section, combined with dance, slide show and a sound installation.